4. Education
- secondary: Baba Tonka Secondary School of Mathematics - Ruse, 1982
- high: Paisii Hilendarski Plovdiv University, 1986
5. Teaching Experience
- from 09.1986 to 12.1987 OU "Liljana Dimitrova"-Ruse
- since 01.1988 - Angel Kanchev Ruse University
Lectures courses are delivered on following subjects:
- Mathematical Analysis I, II, III
- Applied Mathematics
- Numerical Methods
- Operations Research
- Mathematical Software (LaTeX)
- Mathematical Analysis I, II, III
- Numerical Methods
- Operations Research
- Mathematical Software
- Practical classes of Numerical Methods
6. Languages: Russian - good, English - good, German - basic
7. Books, e-books and articles:
- Mathematics 3: Numerical Methods with Matlab
After free registration follow the steps: "Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Automation" - Degree courses: "Computer systems and technologies" - Course "Mathematics 3: Practical workshops" (in Bulgarian "Практикум по числени методи с Matlab")
- Operations research
After free registration follow the steps: "Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education" - Degree courses: "Teacher Training for Teachers in Mathematics and Informatics" - Course "Operations Research" (in Bulgarian "Изследване на операциите")
- Introduction to LaTeX
After free registration follow the steps: "Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education" - Degree courses: "Informatics" - Course "Introduction to LaTeX" (in Bulgarian "Въведение в издателската система LaTeX")
- Education of Mathematics
- Bulgarian translation of the "Not so Short Introduction to LaTeX2e"
- HSSI(High School Students Institute of mathematics and informatics) 18-20.01.2008, Plovdiv, Bulgaria Project: Light. Creation of screen presentations for interactive education and test control in physics through LaTeX-packages exerquiz and pdfscreen
screen version, print version, project description
- Stefka Karakoleva, "Usage of the LаTеX-packages from PSTricks Family for geometric plots in education of mathematics", The Conference "COMPUTERMETHODS IN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION", Varna, 12-14.09.2008
screen version
- Stefka Karakoleva, "Creation of screen presentations for interactive education and test control in physics through LaTeX-packages exerquiz and pdfscreen", Conference Proceedings Ruse University, 2008, Vol.47, Book 5.1, pp.79-86
- Stefka Karakoleva, "Geometry Algebra from Pithagoras to PSTricks. Usage of the LaTeX-packages pst-eucl, pdfscreen and animate in education of mathematics", Proceedings of Interdisciplinary forum "Bulgaria and Russian - directions of reciprocal", 14-17.12.2008, pp.135-148, Ruse, Bulgaria
- HSSI(High School Students Institute of mathematics and informatics) 16-18.01.2009, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Project: Geometry Algebra from Pithagoras to PSTricks.
Usage of the LаTеX-packages pst-eucl and pdfscreen in education of
screen version, print version, project description
- HSSI(High School Students Institute of mathematics and informatics) 01-04.04.2009, Borovets, Bulgaria
Project:Geometry Algebra from Pithagoras to PSTricks
Usage of the LATEX-packages pst-eucl, pdfscreen and animate in education
of mathematics
screen version, print version, project description
- Stefka Karakoleva, "Student projects in information technology", National Conference "Education in Information Society", Plovdiv, 12-13.05.2009
pdfLaTeX, presentation, doc
- Article: "Solving of Transportation problem with MATLAB", PROCEEDINGS of the SCIENTIFIC STUDENT SESSION – SSS’09, Ruse University
Author: Ivan Georgiev Research Manager: Stefka Karakoleva
- HSSI(High School Students Institute of mathematics and informatics)
15-17.01.2010, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Processors and Memories for Computer Systems
Usage of the LaTeX-packages PSTricks, PGF-TikZ, hyperref
and beamer in education of computer systems and technologies
Author: Marian Hristov
- HSSI(High School Students Institute of mathematics and informatics)
06-09.04.2010, Albena, Bulgaria
Project: Processors and Memories for Computer Systems. Usage of the
LaTeX-packages PSTricks, PGF-TikZ, hyperref, animate, exerquiz
and beamer in education of computer systems and technologies
- HSSI(High School Students Institute of mathematics and informatics)
06-09.04.2010, Albena, Bulgaria
Project: Types of computer busses. Usage of the LATEX-packages PSTricks,
hyperref and beamer in education of computer systems and technologies
- Stefka Karakoleva, "Bulgarian LaTeX users group", National Conference
"Education in Information Society", Plovdiv, 27-28.05.2010.
Presentation, doc
- Stefka Karakoleva "Effective education of optimization methods via modeling and solving practical problems with MATLAB" (In Bulgarian:
Ефективно обучение по оптимизационни методи чрез моделиране и решаване с MATLAB на практически задачи), Proceedings of the Fortieth Jubilee Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, pp.406-412, Borovetz, April 5-9, 2011.
- Karakoleva, S., Lazarov, B. "Elements ot education by syntax for students of technical science", Proceedings of the Fourth Conference "Education in Information Society", 26-27.05.2011, Plovdiv (in Bulgarian: Караколева, С., Лазаров, Б. „Елементи на обучение чрез синтаксис за студенти от професионално направление Технически науки”, IV Национална конференция „Образованието в информационното общество”, Пловдив, 26-27.05.2011, pp. 210-218, ISSN 1314-0752.) presentation
- Lazarov, B., Karakoleva, S. “Using GAS syntax for education in Mathematics”, Осма международна научно-практическа конференция „Преподаване, учене и качество във висшето образование - 2011”, 17-18.06.2011, в сборник „Висшето образование в България и стратегия „Европа 2020”, Издателство на МВБУ, 2011.
- Bibliography information
8. Membership of Professional Societies:
9. Activities:
- Koordinator of the masters programme "Information technologies in publishing"
(in Bulgarian: Координатор на магистърски курс "Информационни технологии в издателската дейност")
information page (en, bg),
all Master Programms in Ruse University